dr hab. Jakub Urbanik, University Professor
Faculty of Law and Administration
Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity
University Professor
at the Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity
at the Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity
Research Interests
Study of the legal practice in Antiquity, the juristic papyrology in the broadest sense combined with the elements of social history and the history of mentality: legal awareness.
Family law and marriage law from Antiquity to Modernity (doctoral thesis devoted to divorce in law and legal practice)
Legal standing of women in the Graeco-Roman Antiquity.
Trial procedure in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, the rise of the legal ‘principles’
Legal pluralism and multi-normativism in the Roman and Byzantine Antiquity, use of languages for law in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt.
Teaching/Learning Quality Assurance
Legal Standing of LGBTQ+ community, right to marriage, non-discrimination law.
Corresponding Member of Associazione Italiana di Diritto romano since September 2024
Associate Fellow at the Käte-Hamburger-Kolleg Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht in Münster
Fellow at the Käte-Hamburger-Kolleg Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht in Münster, September 2022–September 2023
Affiliated Professor for Roman Law at Kadir Has University – Istambul (previously Visiting Professor)
Associate Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers
Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute (since 9 December 2017)
Member of the International Committee of Papyrology of the International Association of Papyrologists (since 2016)
Member of Warsaw Scientific Society (since December 2021)
Co-editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Juristic Papyrology and the series The Supplements to JJurP (Warsaw Papyrology and JJurP online)
founding member of Asociación Española de Papirología
Member of the Scientific Board of Annaeus. Anales de la Tradición romanística. Sevilla
Member of the Scientific Board of Revue internationale des droits de l’Antiquité (RIDA). Liège
Member of the Scientific Board of Quaderni Lupensi, Lecce
Member of the Scientific Board of Collezioni Leda, Graz
Research Projects
2024–2027 Imperial Correspondence in Edicts and Letters,, in collaboration with Rudolf HAENSCH and Katharina-Luise FÖRG (Universität Bamberg); Thomas CORSTEN, Vera HOFMANN (University of Vienna), and Thomas KRUSE (ÖAI of ÖAW); Weave-Unisono
2017–2023 How to Apply Law in Egypt? A Practical Guide for the Roman Judge: A Case-study of P. Oxy. II 237 and Other Papyrological Evidence on Legal Pluralism in the Roman Times, aiming at reconstruction of the ways of law application in Roman Egypt through a study of the Petition of Dionysia), National Science Centre, Opus14
2008–2012: Dioskoros of Aphrodite and the Legal Awarness of the Late Antiquity
1999–2002: Divorce in Roman Law and the legal practice of Roman Egypt.
Conferences organised:
Co-chairman of the Organisational Committee of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology (Warsaw 29.07–3.08.2013)
(with José Luis Alonso) Legal Experts and Legal Expertise in the Ancient World – Oñati 21/22 June 2016 – a Workshop at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law. Programme
Materfamilias in onore della Prof.ssa Maria Zabłocka, Varsavia, 1.10.2016 – Programma Manifesto
(with José Luis Alonso) VII Jornadas de papirología – San Sebastián-Donostia 13/14 July 2017 – Programme
„In the world of mules there are no rules" – Itinerari di diritto romano | W świecie mułów nie ma regułów. Prawo rzymskie na bezdrożach all'occasione del rinnovamento del dottorato del Prof. Witold Wołodkiewicz, Varsavia 18.10.2019 Programma
Già nell’antica Roma? – Ovvero come il diritto romano non è sempre un modello. In memoria di Witold Wołodkiewicz, Varsavia, 1–2.06.2022 Programma Manifesto
(with Patrick Sänger, Münster) Consolidation of Law. Experiencing Ancient Documents, Münster 30.11–2.12.2023, Käte Hamburger Kolleg Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht, Münster. Flyer. Poster Booklet with Sources
Present University occupations:
Students' Trustee/Osoba Zaufania at College of Inter-area Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Area Co-ordinator (Legal sciences) at College of Inter-area Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Academic Tutor of the Paulina-Kuczalska-Reinschmit Students’ Debating Club
Past University occupations:
2002–2010 Erasmus Departamental Coordinator
2008–2012 Senator of the University of Warsaw
2008–2012 Vice-Chairman of the University of Warsaw Senate Committee for Research and Foreign Relations
2008–2012 & 2012–2016 Member of the University Team for Teaching Quality Assurance
2008–2012 Member of the Faculty Team for Teaching Quality Assurance
2012–2016, 2016–2020 Member of University of Warsaw Senate Committee for Research
2016–2020 Member of the Faculty Appointment Commission
2016–2019 Director of the Institute of History of Law
2019–2020 Member of the Scientific Council of Discipline ‘Law’
2017–2024 Head of the Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity
Speaking Hours/Dyżury
Tuesdays/Wtorki, 13.45–14.45, room 202 Collegium Iuridicum I or by appointment.
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/27
00-927 Warsaw 64
# +48.22.552.0388/384 – fax# +48.22.552.4319